Glucose checks on newborns of diabetic moms


Specializes in PERI OPERATIVE.

Can any of you tell me what your hospital's policy is on testing blood sugars on newborns of diabetic moms? We just kinda go by what the doc orders right now, but would like to get a regular policy. Thanks!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Our policy for neonatal sugars is this:

First, for where I work, here are the babies who are placed on Glucose protocol:

LGA, SGA, IUGR, Moderate to Thick Meconium staining, Infant of Diabetic mom, Infant feeding poorly (after hours of trying and failing to feed---we give them 6-8 hours), and Symptomatic Infants, as well in cases where mom had chorio/infection during labor/delivery--also babies with poor transition or apgar scoring.

How we do it:

We do a series of 3 glucose checks on babies, prior to feedings, the first day of life. If they are above 50mg/dl, we then get another glucose check at 12 hours and then again, 24 hours and it's done.

If a baby routinely has glucoses below about 50mg/dl, we check PRN, usually AC. (prior to feeding) until they stabilize out. Our NNP wants to see sugars above 50 before we discontinue glucose checks---so generally we watch babies below 50 til they are stable. This may take 24 hours---or less. But the infants automatically on glucose protocol above are checked per above schedule, the series of 3, then 12 hours, then 24 hours, no matter how good the readings are.

Hope this helps.

Can any of you tell me what your hospital's policy is on testing blood sugars on newborns of diabetic moms? We just kinda go by what the doc orders right now, but would like to get a regular policy. Thanks!

Our policy is to check the infant's blood sugar 30 minutes after birth, 1 hour after birth, and 2 hours after birth. The glucose level has to be 35 or above in the first 3 hours of life and 40 and above after that. We need a series of 3 consecutive sugars above 35 (or 40 depending on how old the baby is) and if one is low we start the series of 3 again.

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