Gloucester County College LPN-RN program


This discussion is regarding Gloucester County College LPN-RN program. Today I turned in my portfolio, decision letters go out in October 2013. Looking for any advice/information regarding the program. Any other Spring 2014 hopefuls out there? Really need someone to worry with me until decision letters get in the mail. Has anyone recently graduated from the program that can share their experience?

Scored a 88% on the Hesi (on my first try), 910 on the critical thinking section, got A's in my A&P I & II courses. Do I have a good shot at getting in the program?

YES THANK GOODNESS I DIDNT! SAVED A WHOLE $65!.. This packet is brutal, these deadlines for deposits, health forms, and background checks are crazy close. Can you say short notice?!

lol well it could be worse! at least you got a packet!! hahaha

lol Yeah I guess your right... can't wait to find out if you got in! I know you will!

me too! i hope so!

I am currently in the GCC Nursing program. As long as you meet all the pre-reqs, you will be accepted. They will tell you when you go to your mandatory orientation that everyone who meets reqs and turns in packet on time gets in. :) Good luck. Get as many non-nursing courses as you can out of the way before starting, it is a lot of hard work.

thanks for the info! I start Jan 2nd can't wait to start! What nursing course are you in?

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