I love being a nurse. There are a couple things I don't like however. Probably one of the jobs I most dislike is giving IM injections. I get nervous, and sweat, and second and third-guess my placement.
I am not so bad in the arm but when I have to get into the bottom, well that's the worst. I know how to find the right spot, but its like I blank out when I get there and completely don't trust myself.
The IM's we give are mostly rhogam, depo, and I've given IM pred (I think, some type of steroid in any case). I haven't yet given a depo but I am nervous because I know that hurts a lot d/t the viscosity.
Don't even get me started on giving the babies their injections. I did that once and I don't know which of us suffered more, the baby or me.
Suggestions anyone? I thought of doing a flu shot clinic but I couldn't find any that weren't already hired up and working five days a week limits my free time anyway.