Getting Nervous

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Hi Everyone,

I am been cruising around all nurses for about 2 months, I love this site, not only is it informational but supportive as well. I will be starting an accelerated BSN program on May 8, 2006 at Spalding University. As the time approaches I am getting more nervous by the second. I am nervous about how am I going to juggle raising twin boys, ages 11, going to school full time and trying to work at least 15-20 hours a week to keep the bills going. I have waited for almost a 1 1/2 years to get into this program and now I am really questioning if i can do this. Th program is only 13 months as I ready have all my pre-req. Any words of incouragement at this point would be helpful. When I talk about me going to nursing school, I always get the repsonse, "How are you going to do that", or "Thats going to be really hard finanically", never anything postive to say?:uhoh21:

Specializes in Peds - playing with the kids.

hi there,

i don't know why people do that. let me say, it seems that you have everything in order. pre-req's done and now the time has come. you have waited a long time, don't let them rain on your parade.

if they ask again how you are going to do it..just tell them that you will manage.

don't worry about the others, now is the time to take care of you!

keep coming back here for support...we'll give it to you!!:lol2: :lol2:


Keep your eye on the prize, when times get tough(and they will) think of what you will do after you graduate and are a Nurse. You are a mother so you are already a strong person and your strength will inspire you twins even though they are only eleven. My mom was in nursing school when my little brother and i were 10, and 8 y/o i remember all the studying she had to do along with work and everything else she had to worry about. Thats is what inspired me to want to become a nurse so maybe one of you twins will want to follow in your footsteps. Keep your head up you can do it

Specializes in LTAC, Homehealth, Hospice Case Manager.

Think of how far you've already come...sounds to me like you're ready. Take this chance and run with it!!!! :) Life doesn't always offer a second chance. I waited 21 years for the opportunity to go to nursing school, I only have one more semester to go and I'll be done with my program. That's something I worked darn hard for and nobody can take my education away from me! It's a long hard road, but the feeling of self satisfaction and accomplishment are well worth it. Not to mention the fact of having a secure future with a job anywhere you may choose to go. You will be surprised at what you can do if you want it bad enough. Hang in there and go for the gold!!!! :balloons: And if you need encouragement, strength, or just a :icon_hug:, allnurses is an awesome place to find it! All my best to you!

Thank you all so much. I fell to mention that my class start date, is my birthday, this is the best birthday gift ever. Also that I applied for LPN school about 5 or 6 years ago, but there was a waiting list and lot of applicants, wasn't accpeted. So I went back to school, got my Assoicates in Science, and I will be grad in June with a Bachelors in Business Admin, so I kinda of took the long way around, but it has so been my dream to become nurse one way or the other.

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