Getting Experience while Pre-Nursing


Specializes in Emergency.

St. John's seems like a great place to start out if you don't have any previous experience! They have a 5 week (full-time) training program to become a Patient Care Tech, and I think that'd be a great way to go! St. John's is a nice place, too. I hope this helps!! Or, if you just want a little bit of exposure to the health care world, maybe you could look in to volunteering or calling up a hospital of your choice to see if you can shadow a nurse. Best of luck to you in your schooling! :)

Specializes in Med/Surg <1; Epic Certified <1.

The hospitals also need secretary help like crazy too. If you're proficient in those types of skills, it's another good alternative, but I think they prefer some health care experience. Volunteering to get your foot in the door is a good choice if you've got the time. You'll meet people who know people who can help you get a job if you need the paycheck. Additionally, this, like many other fields, is a career where networking can be very helpful....

Good luck!!

I was wondering about that too. I'm getting my pre-reqs right now and I'm hoping to try to get into a nursing program. As far as a program to get into I didn't know if OTC, SBU/Stjohns or Cox would be best. Does anybody have any insight on that?

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