Georgia Highlands College Waiting Game!

U.S.A. Georgia


Hopefully, we are getting close to hearing something. I wanted to start a new thread and see if anyone wanted to play the waiting game for fall ADN Program. We've been waiting since April 1st and it's about time we heard something.:anbd:

Where are we supposed to get our badges?

There not supposed to be charging us for parking for windy hill,I think they forgot to change the system and it automatically charges for the marietta campus.

Thanks, Hobo! I hope they don't forget to take that off. I wouldn't be surprised in light of the way things have started. :wink2:

Everyone....don't forget to wear baggy clothes tomorrow!

Jayme-we have to go to the cartersville campus on thursday to get our badges, that is the only day she is n cartersville!!

What is everyone wearin tomorrow??? What do they mean by baggy clothes?? Can I wear jeans??

i will probably wear jeans or track pants and a t shirt, I can't wait!

I didnt think tomorrow was the baggy clothes day, with vital signs i dont think it would matter.......but dont quote me on that. Also, Charlene told me today that those at the marietta campus needed to be there at 9. Im probably just going to get there at 8:30ish anyway. and dont quote me on that either, haha. I really think tomorrow is vital signs after lunch time and orientation before. Who knows, we may be performing surgery or something

LOL...Kaylan ur too funny!!!!! Jayme and I are getting there at 830, just to be on the safe side!!!

Hey hey! SOOO... i dunno what this Onestep notbook gizzz is that you guys speak of..... AND the had best be takin off the $100, but like hobo said, its an automatic thing, as long as i get that back, its all good. I got denied earlier, and i'm super confused on what all i need to bring with me tomorrow! I just dunno what all i need.. not to mention, should i wait til the marietta ppl's info is on vista?? Or just print all the stuff Br0c% sent?? OMG, ridiculous! Oh, and i'm wearing shorts and a tee, and if you lovely ladies are lucky, i might just wash my hair tonight ;) I really dont even care what i look like!

UUUUUHHHH.. it still says i'm in br0c%s section! ****, can they PLEASE fix this already!

Haha, Kristen you just never know at this rate! To bring tomorrow...all your signed sheets, a watch, maybe the handbook, outlines if you have them and im going to throw the assessment book and fund book in my car. see yall at 8:30......after my starbucks stop :)

I know, I hear ya Kaylan!!! I bought a cute digital watch at Walmart for 9$..and of course it is pink:)

Yep, ill be there at 830 after my starbucks stop!!!

Courtney-just print off the stuff that Brock sent us. I think we are just doing vitals tomorrow, so make sure you bring your kit!!!

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