George Brown RPN Bridge Program


Hi all,

I'm still in the RPN program, but applying to the bridge is my goal, and I will continue into I get in! I wanted to ask anyone in the program now/anyone who has done the program; what was your average? I'm above the criteria, but I'm worried that I still need higher than what I have now if the program is really competitive.. Thanks!

I think you'll find it isn't too bad. Although the website states you can't score below B- in anything, what they actually do is pair up certain courses and take the average between them. I highly recommend speaking to an academic advisor if you're worried!

Hi bootzie, if you dont mind explaining this to me. I have a interesting situation. I have failed pathology and most of my core nursing courses have relatively low marks just above a 60, however with the general education courses my average is higher at now a 2.9. Should I take more Gneds to help boost it up some more, or will that just waste time. Thanks!


Take what I say with a grain of salt as I'm just a student. If it were me I would upgrade the failed course rather than spend time on courses that aren't very applicable to nursing. To upgrade it wipes the lower grade from your transcript. I don't know about failed ones but if bridging is what your goal is I would throw all my energy in improving Patho!


I'm assuming you went to GBC/trent to do your bridge...correct me if I am wrong. If you did do it, I have a question really stressing me out. I am in the second semester of my bridge and do not think Ill pass patho with a 70. Its mentioned online and at the in person presentations that you need a 70 in patho to continue into trent. Do you know of anyone who did not meet the 70 and what happened? Did they still let them continue? Did they have to retake the course?

Hi bootzie, if you dont mind explaining this to me. I have a interesting situation. I have failed pathology and most of my core nursing courses have relatively low marks just above a 60, however with the general education courses my average is higher at now a 2.9. Should I take more Gneds to help boost it up some more, or will that just waste time. Thanks!

I think if you want to go into the bridge program you will need to retake any core nursing classes and get them at least above a 70.

Me? Nope I haven't bridged, I'm still in PN. :) Unfortunately I don't really ask people their grades to be honest. My study group was pretty strong academically and they're the only 3 I shared marks with. I definitely advise seeking out your coordinator to get them to explain how the pairing of courses works when they calculate the averages. I definitely know people who got into bridging who had a couple of C+'s. I don't know who the semester 2 coordinator is but email ********. She's fantastic and likely can calm your fears.

If anyone in the future reads this and is curious... I got an early acceptance to GBC bridge with a 3.7 GPA

Congratulations! Perhaps I'll see you there. :) (I also got in, just mulling it over)

Congratulations! Perhaps I'll see you there. :) (I also got in, just mulling it over)

Congrats! Maybe I'll see ya there ;) just need to pass my CPRNE. Did you take it yet?

Yes, I took it in February. :) Good luck, you'll nail it!

Ahh thanks!! How did you find it?! How did you study?

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