Quitting Nursing school before it even begins?

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It takes an arm and a leg to even be accepted into Nursing school but I managed through all of the requirements and pre-reqs but I've always suffered with sever anxiety and now that school is about to start, I'm seriously considering dropping all of these classes and considering a different major. Just looking over the syllabus and required readings for my classes nearly gave me a panic attack. I've read about how stressful it can be for some and how others didn't have as much trouble with it. It would suck because I've spent so much time and MONEY towards getting here in the first place but I'm not sure if I'm willing to spend anymore of either for the purpose of being a Nurse. Maybe I should go into Info Tech instead, what do you guys think?

Specializes in Neuro.

BUT . . . I just do what Scottishtape recommended; I take it a week at a time.

This is great advice and has worked for me as well.

I have an anxiety disorder, it's well managed though and I'm in my second semester of RN clinical. Actually a lot of people in my class have diagnosable anxiety disorders. Nursing attracts that type, because you have to be a perfectionist just to get in. We openly talk about it while sitting around the lunch table. Some are seeking therapy, others are using medication, I'm doing fine so far with the coping skills I know.

Whatever you have to do to handle your anxiety, do it, but certainly never let anxiety get between you and something you're excited about.

I walked into into class scared every day last semester, but I took it day by day and I eventually learned to cope.

I am still scared, I start my first acute clinical this week and I am terrified, but I'm still going. If you got into nursing school, you passed the A&P classes and the TEAS and you've conquered things already, what makes you think you can't conquer nursing school?

There's a lot of what ifs. What if I mix insulin wrong, what if my patient codes, what if I can't keep up with the material, but you have to not focus on this. Look at the next twenty four hours in front of you and focus on what you can do to get through them.

Yeah when I was teenager but I honestly don't want to go back on Medication.

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