Okay, I'm overwhelmed

Nursing Students General Students


Yesterday, I did two chapters of my Nursing Fundamentals study guide. Today I did the objectives for this week, all 35 of them. I did all the objectives for this week's Pharmacology and opened up this week's objectives for Assessment. I still have to read three chapters of Carpenito's Nursing Diagnoses. My hand is about to fall off. My fingers have developed a cramp and I've made myself very very drowsy. I have been at it since early this morning. Yesterday I spent the entire afternoon up until bedtime reading for the upcoming week and doing those objectives.

The answers for those objectives are long! Oftentimes it takes a page and a half to answer! I've dried up two pens!

I am going to take a nap.

Mayhaps when I get up I can tackle more writing......ARGH!!!!!!:(

Originally posted by deadend

it is a paper back book called nursing made insanely easy, Not incredibly easy You will wonder how you got along without it!!!!!

Sounds great, I'm going to half.com to get it!! :eek:

Okay, the Nursing Made Insanely Easy was $30.00! Not cheap, but I suppose cheaper than a nursing text book. They did have a '95 or '97 version for $10.00 though. Maybe I should start there? Is the magazine called Nursing Made Incredibly Easy?? I am soooooooo confused. :confused:


I had to come back and report.

Today I took my second nursing fundamentals exam and scored an 88.

After talking about my study habits to my nursing instructor, she suggested I switch some of my habits around....like actually studying the harder stuff after my kids go to bed, doing the easier stuff while they're up. Anyhoo, that's what I did. I've managed to acquire good quality time instead of quantity time (which was doing me little good).

Today when I went in, I refused to look at my study notes again. I put earplugs in my ears and took my time. I was second to the last to leave the classroom after completing the test. We reviewed it after a break and I missed 6. While I would have preferred to have missed none of them I'm glad to see my understanding of the material has deepened and I'm encouraged...very encouraged.

Oh, and thanks for the suggestions of the book and the magazine. Now that I have titles I'm going to do a quick online shop search and see how fast I can get them! Haha

Thanks again!

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