Nursing Pins

Nursing Students General Students


Have any of you ordered nursing pins for graduation? I am trying to get an accurate idea of the cost. I do know that it depends on the gold content, but any ballpark figures would be helpful. Also are you having a "pinning" ceremony?

I am organizing the class photos too. I'm curious as to how your graduating class is handling those as well. In the past our school has done individual shots (wearing white, cap optional :D ) and put them together on a poster or done a group shot in street clothes. I'd love to here what others are doing.

Can you tell I'm looking forward to being done!!! :p :D


Our nursing pins are going to run between $50 to $150 dollars. Depending on what type we want.

The Pinning Ceremony is to be around July 30 somewhere, and pictures, I have no idea about!

All I can say is.....I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!:D


We just placed our pin order this week!

I graduate happily in mid-May and was really excited to pick my pin

out..although it hasnt sunk in yet :)

I have the brochure and our costs were $32.63 for the classic school pin

with 3 initials and year on the back...its gold filled. And the top price is $215.33 for the preferred school pin with your choice of personal pin guard, genuine 3 point diamond and initials/yr in 14k gold.

They have tons of choices and prices..I just gave the high and low!

Our program's SNA did 2 yrs worth of fundraising and we are paying for the bottom price pin..anything over it the student makes up the difference..which is actually a nice deal.

I got a supreme pin with the RN guard and of course initials and year :) I cant wait to proudly wear it!!

As far as pictures...we have someone contracted through the school who does the traditional cap/white setting...then they put together a class composite too.

Hope this helps:)


Thanks for your input.

Julie, I know what you mean, I can't wait either. Graduation is May 17th. We only have 30 official class days left (of course that doesn't include my preceptorship), but who's counting :D

Channa, what types of fundraising did your SNA group do? Our nursing club is really in the infancy stage and I'm trying to come up with ideas for that too. We're trying to get some freshman involved now so they can have a stronger club next year.


Isn't it all exciting! We are getting SO close :)

Our pins (we only have one option, the "official" school pin) general run between 100-150$ depending in the price of gold.

For pictures, we had a professional photographer take them (much like senior pictures in high school) and then they take our individual pictures and make a class wall composite.

Our pinning ceremony is the night before graduation. To raise money for that the class is doing a "cookingware" fundraiser. Basically, we are hosting a cookingware party, and the company that makes the cookingware is paying up a lump sum, and then they will pay us 4 dollars a head for anyone we can recruit to come to the party, even if no one buys anything. its kinda weird, but I guess the class last year did the same thing, and ended up raising a LOT (4000$).

Good Luck doing the finishing touches!


The SNA has done several things..we have sold resturant cards with 50% of the profits, we also sold Home interior candles..we made a lot with both of these fundraisers.

We had a bowl-a-thon and it is open to both new nursing students and the senior class and their friends/families. It was a lot of fun and also how we introduced the big sisters (senior students) to their little sisters. We have had a skating party fundraiser, made baskets and raffled them off or had silent auctions, these are neat too. We tried a few other things that didnt go as well but brought in money,a car wash and selling pampered chef! We sold a ton of products (pampered chef) but the consultant basically ripped us off, profit wise, so our program is banning the selling from this company. It stinks..because I love pampered chef and not all consultants are that weird!!

Hope this helps!


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