unhappy doc/letter to editor

Nurses General Nursing



Well we can be happy her Dad is happy about the Dr in front of her name. And we can be happy that we don't have to rationalize that "my dog's better than your dog"

Oh and yes we can also be happy that there is at least one doc who can write decipherable enough for the letter to the editor person to read.

Uh and why don't we all send her a Merry Christmas greeting. c/o the paper?

The Doctor does have a point. I started an NP program last year and stopped because I really just want to go to law school. However, it would of taken me 18 months total. I will never say a Nurse Practitioner or PA is just like a doctor because that is just not true.The education and SALARY difference speaks for itself.

Being a healthcare provider, I notice the powers that be are always trying to replace us with lower paid "equivilants". RN/LPN LPN/MA MD/NP/PA ..etc...It can become very frustrating, as this doctor clearly is.

Well, some of us aren't privileged enough to be able to put "Dr." in front of our names. We would if we could. We scrape along trying to survive and get the education we can.

There may be a terrible problem with insurance, organizing, HMOs, &c, for MDs in KY; just don't demonize and blame APRNs for your problems.

Scabs, indeed. As just a nurse, I'd hate to work under that person...

Sorry, I'm horrifically depressed every holiday season and this letter didn't help. Maybe later if my mood elevates (in May) I'll have kinder thoughts about her.

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