Thermostat hogs

Nurses General Nursing


Where I work there are about 4 people who routinely crank the air conditioner down as low (cold) as it will go. Into the low 60's or high 50's. When we confronted one of them last night, we were told that we could wear a couple patient blankets if we were cold, but that she had no clothing left to remove, as she was already in short sleeves. I had patient's complaining of the cold also.

What do you think is an appropriate temperature for a nursing unit???:eek:

for me it was always hormonal, thyroid, menopause, etc. Yikes still remember hot flashes and that was ten years ago....... and ladies if you don't take regular hormone replacement the hot flashes still come back and haunt you now and again

I used to be the one to turn it all the way down, but since I started takeing atenelol I'm turning it up!!! In reality I'm usually soo busy that I don't feel the cold/heat except at the start and end of the shift.:roll

I work for the government and our climate is controlled by a computer. If you notice that it's too cold at the beginning of the shift you call the super and he/she calls the "weather man." He sends the heat about an hour before the day shift arrives...the muther!!!:(

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