ReUse of Single Use Devices

Nurses General Nursing


:eek: :imbar Please help. I know I'm not the only one with major concerns about the latest cost saving trend: Reprocessing SUDs (Single-Use-Devices) by third party reprocessors. The director of 'supply services' attempted to institute the use of a third party processor a year ago but it was stalled by Infection Control. Now the Network Office is supporting it and planning to 'get buy in'...

I'm most familiar with the endoscopy devices on the list (they are extremely difficult to clean. Our staff will be at increased risk of exposure to pathogens....And I don't believe there is anyway to assure sterility of some of these items....The recent incidents of infections related to bronchoscopys demonstrate how difficult it is to determine the root cause of procedure related infections)

SO.... How can persons that have no concept of the design; & use of these devices make a unilateral decision to re-use single use devices :confused: :confused:

Next time I go into the hospital to have anything done, I will be sure and insist that "cleaned" single use items not be used on me!

Specializes in midwifery, ophthalmics, general practice.

I work in the community and we reuse a fair number of single use items, dressings get cut up and used on several patients. Please dont faint- we dont have an infection problem- that comes to us from secondary care! and yes, finance comes into it!


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