No report from ED and patients waiting in the halls....

Nurses General Nursing


ED is in the middle of construction at my hospital and we all just received a notice from the DON which basically states:

ED wait times are too long and too many patients are coming through so...

1. As soon as discharge orders are written/ a bed becomes available, the ED no longer has to call report ahead of time. They have new options, bring the patient and give report at hand off or send the patient and call report after they have arrived.

2. The patient will be brought up as soon as the order is written and will be allowed to stay on the stretcher in the hall until the patient is discharged and the room is clean... even if the room needs TRU-D and the new patient is on some form of precautions (contact, respiratory, etc).

So basically, my understanding is that clearing out the ED is more important than patient safety....

9/10 times the patient is transported by a paramedic tech (who knows nothing about the patient) on a required portable monitor (I work on a step down unit).

These patients will need to remain on a portable monitor until the room/monitor is available. Often, we received less than stable patients from the ED. In my opinion, it is very unsafe for a potentially unstable patient to come to the unit and sit in the hall until their room is available.

Not only that, but we often have 4-5 patients (even though the "standard" is a 3:1 ratio... this means we may temporarily have 6 patients which is highly unsafe. Especially since we may or may not have report on the new patient sitting in our hallway.

To make matters worse, several patients come up with family in tow. We will be forced to send them to the waiting room for anywhere from minutes to a couple hours as we wait for discharge and terminal cleaning... only other option is to have them standing in the halls and potentially creating a hazard for employees and patients/family as they go about their way.

I am under the understanding that it is against regulations to have anything other than people in the halls of an inpatient unit as it is a safety hazard.

ED throughput is an important issue for my hospital and I understand that changes are needed. However, I see this as a huge problem, a customer satisfaction issue, and a serious safety hazard for all involved.

If a new admit that the nurse hasn't received report on were to code in the hall, it would be a disaster and potentially cause the death of a patient as the assigned nurse may not know anything about the patient and well, we are trying to code a patient on a stretcher in the hallway.

So, question is: what are your thoughts/opinions on this new policy? Is it really worth the risk to the patient to expedite ED wait times?

Our nurses are not being given any choice in the matter and may not even know they are getting the new patient until they arrive in the hallway...

Specializes in PCCN.

Interesting. We've been forced to do this for over a year or so now. we don't get a nurse- nurse report. we get to read "report" out of the chart. If I don't have a chance to get in the chart before pt comes up, then I get a pt i have no idea about. We've literally had someone book the bed, and the pt is physically on the floor by the time I hang the phone up . How was I suppose to even read report?Sometimes a nurse does accompany the pt , but 99 percent of the time, i get " I don't know anything about this pt, I'm just transport". We've complained, but to no avail. basically told" well, thats the way it is " :(

Sure there's rules, but obviously they aren't being followed at all.

And with a surplus of new grads, company doesn't care if you lose your license- they just hire some other ignoramous.

eta- oh, and when we have hall way pts, satidfaction goes right down the tubes. they are mad thatthey are put in a cubbyhole, with no TV, or bathroom, or privacy. Weve had pts get into yelling matches with the manager over this.

Specializes in PCCN.
I wonder if this would be of interest for you :

it is from 2011 but is from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)


Yeah, all I got out of that is that the bottleneck is the " resistance of the nurses" taking on more pts.

Yup, its all our fault.


Specializes in Step-down medical.
JC reports state hand off is one of the unsafest times in pt care. For you to get a patient without report first is a gross violation. However, there are a couple of considerations. You have not assumed pt care until you get report. Make sure that you start charting, "report rec'd and pt care assumed at this time" on all your patients. That way when you don't get report you can chart, something like," pt rec'd into stepdown hallway. No report rec'd, pt on portable monitor. Will assume pt care after rec'g report."

If I were in this situation I would take care of the pt in the hallway, but the chart would reflect that no report was rec'd and pt care not assumed. This may protect you in court as the pt is being taken care of, but you have not assumed care. Since the pt is in the hallway they and their family will be asking all staff for help, and everyone will see what needs to be done and have to be involved in pt care.

If a pt codes in the hallway this will not be on you, if you follow ACLS quidelines, but rather on the hospital itself.

This won't last for long as pts and their families are going to be screaming. I would just go along with it for a while and make sure you educate yourself on JC standards of care as far as privacy and hand off and I don't know what else.

You are a brave soul for staying in such a position, cause I would be running for the doors as soon as my shift was over after having my first hallway pt. I have a feeling this will never actually happen. I have worked a few places where they said this was going to happen and it never has. Too many unanswered questions like how to use bedpan, urinal, hallway crowding and fire codes, no privacy and multiple privacy violations.

Ha yes a brave soul under a contract for another 13 months... though I am considering a transfer to a different unit...

Specializes in ER.

We don't really call report at my hospital but the nurses have access to the chart. Even before, we would fax an SBAR sheet. I usually try to give a verbal but some nurses don't like it. We tell them they can look at the chart, they are supposed to look at the chart in that time frame. Then they can ask questions.

Some frustrations from the ER in the floor looks at the chart is that they were telling us they couldn't tell who admitting doctor was (it is in the admission order) or they want to know where the IVs are (where it is documented?)

If they are just dumping them in the halls, that is weird. However, there needs to be a balance. Holds in the ER are extremely dangerous and can be the most dangerous periods for patients. ERs are not set up to be the units. You constantly get new patients. I've worked in places where I have had 2 ICU patients plus 3 other patients in the ER. How is that safe?

I do wonder about the stretcher because usually ERs want their stretchers back. In general, they need to clean the rooms quicker.

To be honest, a lot of ERs utilize hall beds when their beds are completely full.

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