Need some advice from other professional clinicians...PLEASE

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in N/A.

I am a travel nurse with a 6 month contract. I am in the sixth week and there Is a nurse with an unexplained reason to have me fired. In a meeting today I had to defend myself to the 6 admin that were present regarding a laundry list of false allegations, exaggeration s and minor mistakes that a new employee learning their system makes. They haven't fired me yet but if its up to her my name will be mud faster than you can say "Is this really happening to me"? She is not going to stop until she sees me gone . I am afraid she might do something that will get me not only fired but also have my in jeopardy and I don't have any idea what I did to her or even why she doesn't like me. I really love being a nurse and only want to help people. I don't understand why this is happening to me or. I need some advice. Has anyone been through something like this or similar? I am a damn good nurse. Can anyone help?

more hints, please. they took away my gazing globe so i can't see what you're talking about.

I have experienced the same thing.

I don't know why some of these witches do this. Maybe they think travelers take jobs from their own??

Whatever, it's not right.

Document EVERYTHING with your agency. You may be able to break the contract and get out before any more damage is done. Your agency should help you with these bs allegations.

Another possibility is to work in another area.

Good luck, private message me if needed. It is truly a hellish experience , especially thousands of miles from home.

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