My skin keeps breaking out!!!!

Nurses General Nursing


Help, help, oh help! I am 23-years-old and my skin is worse now than it has ever been (couldn't be the stress from nursing, now could it!?!). I mean, it's not terrible where every square centimeter is covered, but I cannot think of the last time when I didn't have one pimple on my face. The last year it has gotten worse. I feel like hiding because I have tried everything and when I went to the dermatologist last week he wrote a prescription for Brevoxl 4% wash and for Differin gel. I had tried Differin gel before but my skin was so sensitive I quit using it. He suggested that I start out using it every other night instead of every night at first. The only thing is that I know it makes skin worse before it gets better and I dread *shudder* the thought of my face being worse. I know this may sound vain, but I'm decent looking and this acne has made me very self-conscious and has seriously given me some self-esteem issues. A lot of people think I am younger than 23 due to my skin. My back and chest break out occasionally, but not bad. Has anyone else experienced this? And what do you think about the Brevoxl wash and Differin gel? Could I have some input please?

Thanks much!

:balloons: Jaime

I'm gonna have to try ProActiv. In high school, it was a crisis if I had so much as a spot under my nostril (you know, right by the septum where those teeny suckers hurt like the devil). My skin was fine until I had my second child. I now have thick wavy to curly hair (depending on the humidity-- right now it is passing curly into mall hair) and acne. I'd blame the polycystic ovarian disease but I had that diagnosed at 16. You know you have a blemish when even your patients comment on the headlight that cropped up overnight (sheesh, and it is NEVER tactful to point out a zit).

That is me! My hair was so long and straight and then during my 2nd and 3rd pregnancy my hair got wavy and very thick. It drives me crazy now! Part of it is wavy and part is very straight! I also started having more breakouts after being pregnant.


Specializes in ER (new), Respitory/Med Surg floor.
Have any of you tried the generic version of ProActiv at Wal-Mart? I think it's called Acne Free or something.

Yes there is one and like 20$. Unfortunately which sucks for me as a couple others have mentioned I am allergic to the benzyl peroxide. I'm so ticked b/c all the products lately it's this benzyl peroxide! It makes my face red and rubbery burned feeling skin like a sunburn, very irritating. So proactive the one heavily advertised acne system has of course benzyl peroxide. I've seen advertisments for another system called Murad. Has no benzyl peroxide in fact watched an entire infomercial about it 3am in the morning how it compared it to proactive and benzyl peroxide and how the benzyl can irritate your skin too much and cause more breakouts. Or maybe a jab to get those of us allergic to benzyl to buy it!

I use nuetragena's salycic acid liquid soap. It's orange color and seems to work the best however still have acne but not as bad. I'm trying facials every 6 weeks right now but I have very sensative skin. Sometimes when I try a new product works better then the nuetragena for a week then I break out more.

after going of ortho tri-cyclen after 5yrs, I started w/ acne breakouts at 23yr old. went to the dermatologist, offered abx (refused...not good to be on abx, even low dose...resistance???). Anywho..went on 4.5% Zoderm (benzoyl peroxide), retin-A (helps w/ scarring, but severely dries your face...itchy), & cleocin (I was a facial emolient cream w/ some abx but too dry, left streaks). Also, forget expensive lotions, my derm recommends awesome, skin is really moisurized (sometime lil shiny). All I do is use the zoderm, oil of olay soap bid, then ceaphil lotion (not facial, body lotion..facial irritated my skin). If I break out bad, I'll dab on some retin A. Good luck, acne sucks!!!!

I have the same problem!! Proactiv was too drying on my skin as my skin is VERY sensitive. I've tried numerous otc brands with no luck. I don't have enough money to spend on expensive brands or dermatologist visits so i dont know what to do! Right now I'm using a "Yes!To Tomatoes" wash from Target with their moisturizer and an Equate sensitive skin toner, the wash is all natural and doesn't have any drying ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide and it was working alright until these past few months. Now my face is breaking out and looking sallow and my pores look HUGE. I'll be turning 20 in June and my skin makes me look like I'm 30, plus breakouts! I started breaking out in 4th grade and it's never gotten better. And I always have these tiny skin-colored bumps all over my face that will NOT go away. Sorry I can't be of better help, but I do share your pain.

Oh my gosh! I wrote this almost 6 years ago!

I have found something, Neutrogena Skin ID. It is a miracle worker!! I had used Proactive before, and while it helped, it didn't last for long.

Unfortunately now I'm on fertility treatments and the meds are killing my face, chest, and back all over again!

Specializes in School Nursing.

A couple other tips:

1) Throw out your makeup brushes and buy a new set, high quality. Then wash them with soap and water weekly (I say high quality because the cheapos won't hold up to repeated washing). You might even want to start with fresh makeup like blush and powder.

2) Buy some extra pillowcases and change your pillow case more often than you change your sheets, perhaps even nightly if you can swing it.

3) Become hypervigilant about not touching your face. Most of us don't even realize how much we touch our faces, once you start becoming conscious of it you will be shocked!

4) Never ever ever go to bed with makeup on.

Small things, but it can make a difference!

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