I have a Large Soft Lump on my back- What is it???

Nurses General Nursing


Hi everyone ?

It has been awhile since I have been on these boards. Lots of things going on in my life...

But anyway- I have a question for all of you seasoned nurses (who I am sure to know more than some doctor's).

I have had a lump on the upper left-hand side of my back for probably a good year or two. It started out soft & small (yet noticeable to me).

But over the last year, it has grown quite large. It has still remained soft- But it is noticeable to the point that you can actually see the lump sticking out through my shirt!

I have been to 3 different internists. All of them say it is nothing, benign. It is more of a cosmetic problem than anything else.

What in the world do you think this lump is?? When I press on it, I feel slight pain on one side (like it is resting on my spine or something).

How can I get this thing removed? Could it be dangerous?

Please give me some input on this lump, please! I am going to make an appointment with a dermatologist (unless any of you advise otherwise)

Thanks so much!!


My thought, too, was that it is a lipoma. While the lipoma itself is not dangerous, the location of the lump can warrant surgery. Sometimes they grow in a position that can put pressure on a nerve or blood vessel and can then cause problems. I had a very large one on my shin many years ago that caused pain even from the pressure of stockings (pre-pantyhose days). My foot and ankle would swell so much my shoe would become too tight, and I would take the shoe off. I left many a class in high school carrying one shoe because I ciouldn't get it back on my foot!

Finally had the lipoma removed when I was in college and never had to leave anyplace with only one shoe on again.

prn,,,,, was thinking the same thing,,,, could be lipoma,,,,, but dh,,, had two sebaceous cysts,,,, both one right after the other,,,, on his upper back,,,, went had the first taken c care of,,, within two months had another,,,

no matter which,,,, if it bothers you,,, find someone to take care of it,,,, ~kitamoon,,,,,

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