having big problems with article in Nursing 2002, AGAIN

Nurses General Nursing


This time it is Your State Board of Nursing, Friend or Foe. It is in December 2002 on page 48. The author talks about a case where a nurse recieved a very sever punishment for what sounded like trumped up charges over very mild infractions. You don't find out till the end of the article that the case happened quite sometime ago when you read that the nurse involved has a whole new career going at this point. I think the primary intent of the article was to instill fear and terror into my heart thus making work for lawyers. It teaches a bit but does so in such a heavy handed way that it will only serve to drive people out of the profession at an accelerated rate. It neglects to mention that the chances of coming up on charges like these are about one in a hundred thousand. Also, I think by now nursing boards are so over whelmed with chemically dependant nurses that the chances of them taking a license away for minor infractions are remote. I have to say that if this case is true and I wonder if it is, the people on this board have very poor judgement. The really come accross as a bunch of old grannies. I think a warning in stead of supension would have been enough. The conditions under which the nurse eventually loses her license are outrageous. If I read this article before I became a nurse I would have been totally discouraged. Said it before and will say it again. I will not be renewing this magazine.

I thought Joules meant the types of nurses on the board are more reflective of the types of nurses that actually practice. I did not take it to means that state nursing boards are supposed to be some sort of nurse protection agency. Only Joules can say for sure.

I did not read the article. I am sorry if I was out of line.

Sounds scary, I would like to read the article. Does anyone have a link to post?

Angus, nothing to do with being out of line. Sometimes different people can get different things out the same statement. It was interesting to read different take on situation.

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