General arts and Science Health Profile as a path to get into RPN...

World Canada CA Programs


Is anybody taking a general arts and science health profile program in college as a way to get there foot in the door to get into the RPN or RN program? Has anyone ever previously taken it or found it helpful? When I was in school I didn't focus on the sciences/math unfortunatley and frankly I'm worried I won't pick it up very fast... now I am really kicking myself for it. I am really determined and ready to work hard, I want to be a nurse badly. I plan on doing this program to help me learn all the sciences/math that I didn't do in highschool but I have a feeling it is going to be tough since I never paid attention to it before. I'm hoping for some opinions or any insight from anyone who may have been or is in the same shoes as myself. Also, does anybody know what general arts and science health profile programs prepare you well?....( sheridan, humber, conestoga...?)

Specializes in Public Health.

I did. I only took the bare minimum requirements for science, which I believe was grade 9 and 10. It was fine. Pre-health started from the basics but did move quickly!

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