GCSC Fall 2017 Hopefuls

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone else waiting to hear if you got into the Fall 2017 RN program at Gulf Coast State College?

Yes it is weird that more people haven't joined the group. Same here I'm nervous and excited. I'm taking the pharmacology class now looking forward to starting the next semester

I took pharmacology last semester, but I kind of wish I had waited until this semester to take it. I need to brush up on it before the program starts :/

I totally understand. Any suggestions on best way to study for the final? Are you from Panama City? I am from Tallahassee and moving to PC in a few weeks. :)

Originally I'm from Jacksonville but moved to Panama City in 2014 when my husband got stationed here. Uhmmm, check out StudyBlue & Quizlet...can't remember which one I used to make online flashcards but it's pretty helpful. I usually prefer hand writing notecards but the online app was nice because you could study on your phone, tablet, or laptop without having to carry around a million notecards. Also the apps tell you which ones you missed the most and need to focus on. And I think you can look up past students' notecards.

Also, I remember studying a lot from the study guide questions

Thank you for the study tips. I have found several quizlets that are helpful. Are you taking any classes this summer?

No, I should have gone ahead and taken chemistry & one other class to finish up my AA degree since those are the only two classes I have left for it, but I decided to take the summer off to take a break from school before nursing school starts. Plus I didn't want to take chemistry during a shortened summer semester because I don't think that is going to be an easy class for me. I HATED chemistry in high school so I'm afraid of it now :/

Also I wanted to try to work as much as I could to be able to pay for school without a loan and to have some extra money saved up in case any unexpected expenses come up during school.

When I read how much our first semesters books cost I'm glad I did! lol

I would have taken the summer off too and I really don't want to take chemistry either. That's great that you are so close to getting your AA. Just bought my books today (wow$)

I bought my books today...yea when she told me the total I was still surprised how high it was. And I didnt even buy the "recommended" books yet! :/ Hopefully I can at least find those cheaper on Amazon.

While I was looking for the books I ran into a nursing student in her 3rd semester and she saw me looking at first semester books and asked if I was excited. I told her I am but I am super nervous too and she said "Don't worry, 1st semester isn't nearly as bad as everyone says. Don't Google things like 'how hard is nursing school' because everyone says different things. It's a challenging program, but completely do-able & not as bad as people say." That made me feel a little better, but then again she may just be super smart lol

She said our professors the first semester were her favorite too and super nice :)

So despite the $900 book bill, I'm glad I ran into her

Hi, I'm currently a student at GCSC I just got accepted into the nursing program for fall 2018. I was wondering if any 3rd semester student would like to sell their old textbooks for the 1 semester at a reduced cost. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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