Published Jun 15, 2017
3 members have participated
3 Posts
Hello all,
I have worked Postpartum and L&D, but we are military and move every 3-4 years so I am currently working Postpartum because the hospital I work at wanted 2 years L&D experience but want to train to NICU, and always have. I currently have two options that I'm applying for:
1) Applying directly to a Level II NICU to train to Level II
2) Applying for a postpartum position with potential to train to Level III or IV
My question is am I better off just getting my foot in the door by training to level II and getting 2-3 years experience, or to hold out and pray I get selected to train from postpartum to level III or IV?
Thanks for any and all input in advance :)
4,161 Posts
I am confused. Are you saying that the hospital that you currently work for wants to train their postpartum nurses to train to work in their Level III/IV NICU full-time? or train you so that you can be pulled to the NICU for the day. If that is true, then you can't claim Level III/IV NICU experience on your resume if you only work there occasionally because they are not going to assign you high acuity patients.
adventure_rn, MSN, NP
1,598 Posts
Probably the former.
In the latter option, even if you are selected to train to a higher level NICU they'd probably cross-train you to float, in which case you'd probably be taking 'Level II' assignments anyway. Taking critical kids like vents would likely require you to transfer departments and go through a new to specialty orientation.
Level II would also give you a solid foundation in thorough newborn/late preterm assessment, basic respiratory distress/support, and IV skills.
152 Posts
I'd vote level II. I don't think you'll get much worthwhile experience as a postpartum nurse floating to NICU. Better to go to level II nursery and get familiar with babies and learn what will give a good foundation for transitioning to level III/IV later. I am new to NICU but came in with newborn nursery (well-baby) experience and was told in one of my interviews that going that route was a good decision because once you know stable babies, you can learn the sicker ones.
Best of luck! :)
4 Posts
I say go with what option will put you with babies the soonest! However if you desire is to be in a level IV and you would be transferring within your job just make sure they don't have restrictions on how often you can move from unit to unit. Good luck!