Future CRNA's ; what about your families?


The only thing that stops me from KNOWING I want to be a CRNA is my family. There are not that many schools and moving is propably a real reality for CRNA students. Did you have to uproot your spouse and kids, pulling them from their job and schools? What about the morgage you already have and the family support you may have to move from? Unless you're single or have kids who are older and off to college, I just don't know how people manage! Any insite on how you've made it work?

I was lucky. I did move across the country but my wife had just graduated with her OT degree a few mos before so it worked out. She was very supportive and wanted to move to Pittsburgh. Once we got here then we had an oops and had a kid. So it wasn't too bad for the family. For people who have families with jobs and stuff- yes they have to be very supportive b/c your time with them is going to diminish. It helps if there is other family nearby- in laws, parents etc.

As far as the mortgage goes- I had to rent my place out. I was hell bent on doing this so we made the sacrifices.

This is so far the best decision I have ever made.

Good luck to you.

Specializes in Anesthesia.

You're family is probably going to have to endure several career changes throughout, whether you go for CRNA or not. For my part, it was a question of us being able to endure without me being a CRNA. Honestly, trying to pay our bills now, I don't know how we would do it if I didn't make the money I do. Not to say we're stretched. We maintain our lifestyle (which is to say: we pay our bills and mortgageS on time and no frills) without huge amounts of stress over money.

The kids will go to college - on scholarship. The car will be paid off. The house has another 26 years of payments.

In other words, your question might me rephrased as 'How can I NOT give my family this security' bevause it's something you want to do anyway? Yes, you'll spend a couple of years studying and at work like a dog. To support them, you're going to have to work like a dog anyway. Why not increase your earning potential anyway?

This is all assuming the anesthesia is something you want to do. If it is not, none of this applies.

Specializes in CVPACU, CCU, ICU.

Well I am in the depths of the upheaval, poverty, lack of time, etc. at the moment. I do pity my family and I pray our sacrifices will be worth it. So no sugar coating from me it TOUGH family wise! (and school wise) Make sure your family is on board and knows up front how hard it will be. You will definately need everyone in the same boat rowing the same direction to make it through with everything intact. I think it is going to be worth it and my family is trying to be understanding. Its just a lot for everyone to deal with.

Thanks for your responces! As a student still, I know how broke I am now, and how good it will feel to be able to pay the bills without too much stress! It would be hard to go back to broke again after getting accustomed to not worrying about money as much. As much as I want to go right into CRNA after my bachelors, I feel that I owe it to my family to be around for them for at least a little while. The kids have seen me in school since the age of two and they probably will need a break. I'm hoping to be set to go for NA school when they get closer to high school age. Here's another question, since I have the time, 6 years or so, should I spend as much time in ICU as possible? It's hard to decide, I want OR and I want ICU at the same time and I know I can't have both.

I'm getting close to finishing my first year of anesthesia school and I have wife and 2 boys (3 and 5). Anesthesia is hard but not like some make it out to be. If you use your time wisely, and make a commitment to spending quality time with your family you can do it. As for the finacial aspect...If this is really what you want to do...Beg, borrow, or steal to get the money you need to do it. It will be worth it in the long run and there are plenty of banks willing to loan money to graduate nursing students. Good luck.

I'm starting in January, and while I don't have children yet, I can feel your pain regarding uprooting your family. I first decided I wanted to do this in 2001 as an RT, but my wife had just nailed down a great job that required us to move to Asheville, NC. We gladly moved, as Asheville is one of the few places we truly wanted to live. Once established in her new position, we had to make the decision to either stay in Asheville while I went back for my BSN and then move to wherever I got accepted or to move to where I wanted to go to school, pursue my BSN there, and hope to get in when the time came. We chose the later, and it was a huge step of faith for us. It was a very difficult decision, as we loved Asheville, and my wife was going to move from a great sales territory to a terrible sales territory. It was a very difficult time as the move was expensive, my wife's territory was challenging, we had to carry two mortgages for six month, and my new job was a big pay-cut from Asheville, but we knew that we were making the right decision for the long run. We made the move in 2005, and thinking that if all went well, i'd become a CRNA in July of 2012 seemed like torture at times, but we gradually started realizing that our new town wasn't so bad and that we needed to focus on living and enjoying everyday and not when I'd be through and we could move back to where we wanted to be. That seems like yesterday now, and I know that the next three years are going to fly. We love our new home, love our neighbors, love our town, and are very happy we made the tough decisions with faith that hard work and perseverance would ultimately pay off. There is definitely a large dose of pain for this ultimate gain, but you only live once and you aren't getting any younger. If anesthesia is what you want to do, the trials and tribs you go through to get there will only make the results more gratifying. If you want it, get your spouse and children on board and go for it.

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