Published May 18, 2016
913 Posts
Our school health council has been doing a family 5K the past several years to raise money for our health related programs. This year it flopped. I don't know if our crummy weather this spring turned people off, if people are just so busy this time or year, or what. Maybe I just suck at planning this type of thing. I'm going to be happy if we break even.
I have been trying to think of another option to the 5K. Any ideas? Obviously, I'd like it to be health related. We already do a jump-a-thon for AHA. Or does anyone know of any grant opportunities out there?
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
I don't do any of that stuff.
408 Posts
How about a dance with a "dance your way to health" theme? You could probably get a HS kid to DJ.