Fund of Gen, Organic & Biochem, 4 credits, online

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


This course is offered at a JC near the nursing school where I will apply. I think they accept this to fulfill Chem prereqs for an accelerated BSN program. Does that sound right? I am trying to find out from the nursing-school advisor. There may be a part II course for four more credits, but even so, that is one course shorter than the prereq listing might imply. Some sections are partially on campus (web enhanced or blended), but there is another JC in-state with the analogous course (I and II) offered entirely online. Do Nursing School prereqs vary between schools as much as 4-12 Chem credits?

Where can I find this course online starting in September? (can't make the August start)

The advisor at my nursing school says they will accept this lab course, as long as the organic and biochem portions are maintained as they are familiar with at the two JCs I mentioned (this last part sounds vague). Does anyone know where to find an online analog starting in September?

How many prerequisite Chem classes did you take?

I took one five credit chemistry class to meet the requirements of a ADN. Well, I only needed to take one, I have others from too many years ago. It was designed for the ADN program. It meets the requirements of one nearby BSN program but not one of the other BSN programs. I didn't look at any accelerated programs, though. I don't know how different they are.

Specializes in Maternal Child.

Check the schools' sites that you plan on attending. They must have a list of acceptable CHEM courses. For example the scholl I am applying to will take CHE 101 & CHE 102, or CHE 281, etc.. My chem classes are 5 credits each, it really just depends on the school. If they don't have the exact info listed on their site, email the program adviser with the course you are thinking about taking with the course # and description.

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