Published Dec 3, 2014
Mami.RN, MSN, RN
463 Posts
Florida Southwestern State College formerly Edison State College. I started thread for FSW but it is full with spring applicants. So I decided to start a new one for this upcoming fall.
Who is joining me next fall in nursing?
I plan to apply for Part-time or Lee full time. I have one more semester of pre-requisites. I am taking A&P 1, Micro, College Algebra and Nutrition. Kill me now. lol A full time semester of craziness but almost done after that hopefully with pre-requisites with the exemption of A&P 2 and a humanities class.
I plan to take the Hesi in mid Feb or march and retake if needed at the end of April. Schedule has been posted and I plan to study a lot this winter break. So excited but so nervous.
1 Post
I'm also planning on applying to lee hopefully evenings part time. I just need A &P 2 and micro to complete all pre reqs. I'm excited too I can't wait.
Hi clair17. We might be classmates then. I really want evenings because I could study while kids are in school. Because if I do it on days, it will be tough to study.
Yes I can't believe in 5 months we will be applying.
Are you taking micro next semester? Im scared to take a&p1 with it. Is a & p tough?
I cant believe the semester is soon going to start again. I really thought I was going to study for hesi. But I haven't opened book. I need to start and I also want to brush on my medical terminology.
When is everyone taking their hesi? I know I have few months before I take it but I want to be prepared.
No one else is going to apply to the program this fall. I know I am not only one. Lol
I really thought I would more to chat with before applying. Lol I hope this gets filled with replies.
Anyways I'm scheduled to take Hesi on March 26 for the first time. Wish me luck.
18 Posts
Hi I'm also applied to FSW this fall 2015 I did the hesi in January and I got 86 but I decided to repeat again now in March to see if I get math better . I don't like the idea of doing math without scratch paper , doesn't make any sense. That was my lowest score 68. Can anyone give any tips for math problems conversions?? Or maybe we can study together??
Mamiluv good luck!!
do want to study together ?? I'm retaken March 12
Erusso good luck. We can study at library mon march 9 & wed march 11 if you want. I can be there 9:45 am till 10:45. Pm me.
Mamiluv great idea I can be there by 10:00 am in March 09 and we can study . Do you want my private email so we can talk better??
Wait we aren't allow scratch paper on hesi?
Mamiluv NO we can't use scratch paper for nothing. I thought you knew about it! I'm sorry , it is really hard