frontier nursing university class 131

Nursing Students NP Students


just curious who all out there is applying to 131. (November 10 frontier bound) i have seen previous class applicants connect through allnurses so i thought I would see who else out there is applying for this class

good luck everyone!

Does anyone know where they are on the waitlist?

I asked via email and didn't hear anything back. They may be waiting to see who accepts etc. also I'm sure today was very busy for the admission office so maybe we will be able to find out tomorrow. I'm still holding onto hope!

I hope all of you on the wait list get good news soon!

I hope all of you on the wait list get good news soon!

Me too!!

I have noticed that most people on the wait list get in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Unfortunately wait listed also...I applied to the Women's Health Nurse Practitioner Program and have no idea how many students are even accepted into that program. I'm sure it's less than FNP and CNM, which means there will be less people that may possibly decide against going to Frontier for WHNP program. Anyone else that applied to WHNP or know the answer to that question? Thanks.

Anyone feel like starting up a fb page for class 131?

I woke up disappointed this morning. I wish I know where in the waiting list I am. I hope I am in the top 10. The waiting is killing me.

Anyone feel like starting up a fb page for class 131?

Ha id start one if I was accepted. I'm all about getting things organized and the ball rolling. Hopefully I'll be able to join the FB page in the near future. Still holding out hope

So I started one:) look for Frontier nursing university class 131 and i will add you.

I tried searching for frontier nursing university class 131, nothing popped up. What should I search for to find it?

I woke up disappointed this morning. I wish I know where in the waiting list I am. I hope I am in the top 10. The waiting is killing me.

me too a little but wait list is so much better than - no! I emailed them some questions but got an out of office reply. I'm curiosu to know if we won't hear anything until after the 29th or if people could start being accepted off of the wait list as early as today??

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