From Pre-law to Pre-med: deciding to be an RN then PA. Good idea?


i'mcurrently a junior, almost senior-in high school.

however, for thepast two years i have been full-time at a two year communitycollege receiving my a.a. general education requirements,and will receive the degree in the spring of 2013.

for thepast two years i've been prepping for law school when recently i hada change of heart and fell in love the decision to choose a career inthe medical field.

(wishi felt this way sooner-i could have completed my a.s. versus generala.a.)

i haven't taken nearly enough sciences courses; in factmy first will be this fall with general bio w/lab. i plan on going touf with my a.a. to acheive my bachelors.

here's where i'mlost. what should i major in for my junior/senior years ofundergrad school (with the intentions of later being a pa)?

moreimportantly, should i go for my bsn to become an rn, while makingsure i include my pre req classes so i can go to pa schoolafterwards, or is it more efficient to just get my bsc?

ireally want to be a pa. i researched and understand the multiplecourses in sciences i'll need as pre-reqs, and i understand the workexperience i'll need in order to apply to a pa school like duke oremory (my aunt is a recently graduated pa from emory).

however,she didn't become one until after a long process that iwant to avoid.

shouldi go for my bsc (how would i gain experience if i'm not an rn) orshould i do what my aunt advised and go the bsn route ' become andrn, get work experiences, and then apply to a pa school?

(ido not want to be a nurse practitioner; so i'll be going from bsn topa school).

is this the right idea?

Specializes in ICU.

It might be worth it to check out the pre-PA scholars program at Saint Louis University (biased alumni here) if you are sure that you want to be a PA. You are admitted to the PA program there after an application process in the sophomore year, with a guaranteed spot in the graduate program once you complete a degree (doesn't have to be nursing). It's very competitive, but worth looking into. More info available at am unsure if other colleges offer this kind of option.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

Specializes in Pedi.

I do not recommend pursuing a BSN if you have no intentions of ever using that degree. Most BSN programs do not leave a lot of room to fit in all the pre-reqs to a PA program and your major in university is not something that you major in during your junior and senior years... especially not nursing. My program began 1st semester Freshman year. Over the course of 4 years, nurses got a total of 3 elective courses and the science requirements for acceptance into a PA program are not the same as the science requirements for a nursing program.

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