Hi all! Just wanted to prick some minds for a second. I was feeling pretty down after an awful shift. I work on a busy PCU floor as a PCT with 18 beds. I work both evenings and overnights. During the evening shift we get two techs (each gets 9 patients) and all is usually fine and dandy. Well a past overnight they cancelled the other overnight tech saying that we didn't have enough patients to call for 2 overnight techs and we should only have 2 if all 18 beds are filled. Well through the night of course we had admissions and by the end of the shift I was working with 17 patients. Nearly all of of patients are incontinent, need q2 turns, q4 vitals, and at least 4 needed oral care d/t being on vents or NPO or comfort care or whatever else. I guess my point is that it was completely unreasonable to think that I could take adequate care of these patients alone. It literally burns me to know that I am not providing adequate basic care to someone because there simply isn't the time and the company wants to save $100 by cancelling the other help. I'm not sure what to do it what I can do. Does it get any easier after making the transition to RN? Please by no means take that I think the RN job is "easier" as we all have different tasks and focuses. I just feel like I am burning out. Maybe I just care too much and expect that I can accomplish the impossible? I feel like it's a big safety issue but I also know management isn't likely to do anything since I am 100% replaceable. Any thoughts? Sorry for the lengthy post.