Published Mar 16, 2010
K nurse-one-day
693 Posts
Im taking the PSB-NAT at FSCJ. Does anyone have any jewels or wisdom or advice before I take the test? I'm pretty nervous....
labrador4122, RN
1,921 Posts
keep practicing, and don't get so nervous.
I know when I failed my NET exam to get into MDC (that was a long time ago, the test is no longer there). I was so nervous that I failed, the following time I took it, I failed because I did not practice enough.
so just keep practicing your book, and trust yourself that you will do well.
197 Posts
The material fo the 3 parts that FSCJ looks at is pretty easy, but most people struggle because of the time limit so try to answer the ones you can finish fast.
The first part with the math and other stuff is where time really runs out quick. 90 questions and 30 minutes. Try not to get stuck on a problem. Skip it and go back when you have time.
The other section where time is a factor is the reading section. Answers to questions are stated in the articles so try to skim it while getting the main points.
Wont have any trouble with the science section with time. The questions is on basic stuff we learn in the prereq science classes
24 Posts
Well after you take it let us know how it went, I am stressing so much over that test, I guess I feel like my prerequisites are high enough that the nat is the deciding factor
I will let you all know how it goes. My points from grades so far are okay but not great, so I really need to do well on the NAT. Thanks for the replies!