Published Feb 7
Joe NightingMale, MSN, RN
1,607 Posts
Stars glad the caregiver showed up even if she was late
NJ22 oddly enough we have had very little snow this year
Dianah sounds like a productive day
Tweety glad you found some repair people who actually show up
Work was actually a bit slow yesterday, which was OK as the previous days were pretty busy
After work went to a bar for a happy hour event with the gay group. Good turnout, met at least 3 new people there. Always try to talk to the new people and give them some information about the group.
Making plans for a short trip to Madison in May, need to contact the cat sitter but otherwise things are pretty set
Today could be busier at work with a coworker off, but we'll see. Otherwise nothing unusual going on
Going to be in the low 30s again today, thankfully no snow or freezing rain expected
Ado Annie, ASN, RN
1,280 Posts
Can't believe I didn't even check in with y'all yesterday. I've had a lot to do at work and felt pressured every minute, it feels like. Taking a moment for a breath now.
Hubs had agreed to meet with a salesman who wanted to sell us solar panels. I actually like the idea but can't take on more debt (even if it should be offset by lower utility bills) under the current circumstances of being 1. over 60, 2. supporting stepson, 3. reliant on social security, medicare, and a government-backed pension for retirement. Oh, and 4. Not sure I want to stay in this house (or in Oklahoma) for the rest of our lives.
The Gma-sitter's husband died this week and the funeral is tomorrow. Hubs wants to go. It wasn't really unexpected. They've only been married a few years and she might not remain in this area since she doesn't have family around.
Despite the rosier forecast, it has remained chilly, overcast, and damp.
No Stars In My Eyes
5,402 Posts
4 PM: Five or so hours 'til you-know-who will be assisted to bed.
Last night she was sooooo fussy, like an over-tired 2 year old. She kept fiddling with her jacket's buttons and sleeves, and sighing, making fussy little grunting tsk noises. I thought I would go mad and scream. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me it was her shoes! Sure it is! That's why the jacket buttons and sIeeves constantly needed inspection and attempted 'repairs'. I told her she was just tired and needed to go to bed. She refused to go to bed, refused the idea of changing her clothes to wear pajamas instead ... until I showed her how VERY wet she was from incontinence (shoulder blades to back of knees), and then all she would agree to is a different OUTFIT. Fortunately she forgot about protesting pajamas because I pulled out a set that she REALLY likes the colors and patterns of. Then once she had 'em on, I led her from the bathroom to her bedroom. "What about in there?" she said, pointing to the den and her recliner. I told her it was closed for the night, and then once I got her under her covers, I did make the den 'closed for the night'.
I had one of those nights where I woke up every hour, and it was 6:30 AM before my brain gave up and let go, so I did sleep. (tmb~ until NOON! 🤗) Once when Momo was giving me the vocal high-sign that Nannie was up out of bed, I told her (Momo) that I didn't care, and she stopped barking! As long as I didn't hear any crash and boom, I wasn't concerned.
Last night the weatherman said we might get thunderstorms and heavy rain. There was exactly ONE very brilliant flash of lightning, and ONE rumble of thunder. Then it rained hard and the wind blew for about 5 minutes. And that was all of it; it was over!
I don't know what else to say, and I don't feel like chatting anyway, so this is a good time to hang it up for a while. Toodles!
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,665 Posts
Leaving shortly to take the fam out to dinner for a belated celebration of dh and youngest ds's birthdays. We will be joining eldest ds and his wife, dd and her two boys.
dh has been playing phone tag with the insurance loss adjuster. She called my phone yesterday, and asked for him. I told her she could talk to me, because it was my car that was wrecked. She refused, said she had to talk to dh, because he was the primary account holder. She had been trying to call him, and leaving messages, but she had our land line, that we never answer and never check the messages.
So dh has tried calling her 3 times, but no luck. She sent an email saying she was available between 2 and 5, but did not answer his calls. I really want to replace my car. I called another insurance rep to complain that I have been without a car for 6 weeks, but she said I had to talk to the person, who wouldn't talk to me. Ack. I will be telling my local agent once this is all settled.
Slightly warmer, the ice is clearing off the roads, but the ground is still white. dh is fussing that we don't have enough food to pack for tomorrow's bird expedition. I am fine with a couple of PB&Js and a couple bottles of water. He apparently wants more, but doesn't have any thoughts about what he wants. We are going to borrow a thermos from eldest ds to take along hot cocoa to drink to warm up.
j22~ Give your husband two large empty baggies, with air blown into them, sealed so they hold the air. Then an empty sippy cup. Then he'll have plenty of nothing!
Nannie wanted to go to bed at 9:15, and I almost cheered! Now I am upstairs and Momo is waiting patiently for me to put this laptop away and give her the GOOD DOG / HAPPY PUPPY salmon flavored snacks. Then we play with her little blue-rubber squeak toy, which I toss around on the bed so she can POUNCE on it. Then when she gets tired, which doesn't take long.... maybe ten minutes. Then she crawls under the covers to the bottom of our bed and sleeps. and *I* get to read in peace and quiet!