FreedomScope wireless stethoscope pitter patters over Bluetooth


Specializes in Hospice, ALF, Prison.


While we're still on the fence with the name -- we can't decide if the urge to call it the FrenchScope is a good or bad thing -- there's no hating on the tech, a simple as it might be.

The FreedomScope is just like a normal stethoscope, minus the bothersome tube part. Freed from tethers by a little bit of Bluetooth magic, the FreedomScope allows first responders to diagnose folks in viral, biological, chemical or nuclear emergencies that require hazard suits or other separation on the part of the health care personnel. The auscultator, if you will.

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

Oh well I'm looking forward to that thing. It looks to be about the size of my PDA so as long as it can handle being in my pockets it'll be fine. Heck, I may get my BTE hearing aids a few years early if that's the cool stuff they come out with to work with them!

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