Hello all!
I ran across the following post tonight and thought that some of you may be interested in this. Many thanks to souleater11 who originally shared the information and allowed me to do so as well.
The Kaplan RN Course book is a companion text to Kaplan NCLEX-RN Comprehensive On-Site, Anywhere and On-Demand Courses. This book is a big different from the retail store of Kaplan NCLEX-RN 2012-2013 Strategies, Practice, and Review.
hi guys,
I'm not sure if someone already discover this but I just want to share with all that Amazon is offering the Kaplan RN Course book 15 edition (Kindle ebook) edition for free.
Even if you down own a Kindle device, you can still download it and save to your PC, Mac, Android or iPad for free.
Make sure you install the Kindle App.
For PC :
For other device:
Note: When you access your Amazon account from your PC, you can select to download the ebook to your PC, ipad/iphone or android phone/tablet.