Free anesthesia medication/flash cards


I have a bunch that I typed up in MS Word for 3x5 note card format. If anyone is interested shoot me an email and I will send it out as an attachment. I'll search my hard drive tonight, but I know they are on there somewhere. We made up a list of the drugs we foung in the anesthesia drug cart as student's and everyone gathered up the information.

Specializes in ICU, currently in Anesthesia School.


Dude (or dudette- I can't get into your profile right now)- You rock, tried to pm you but couldn't. I'll try later, but oh yeah, I'll take 'em.


I would love a copy of them as well. Thank you for sharing.

Specializes in ICU.

I would love a copy to.


Me too!!!! me too!!!!!:monkeydance:

Pm me for my email and double thanks!

I would also love to have those! Did you go to the University of Iowa? I am from Iowa and did my undergrad there...

I have a bunch that I typed up in MS Word for 3x5 note card format. If anyone is interested shoot me an email and I will send it out as an attachment. I'll search my hard drive tonight, but I know they are on there somewhere. We made up a list of the drugs we foung in the anesthesia drug cart as student's and everyone gathered up the information.

I would love a copy if you have time. I tried to PM you, but your box is full. Thanks!

~ Jen

Would love a copy too, thanks for sharing.

I'd like a copy too please! Thanks!

Please send private message.


If it's not too much trouble, I would love a copy sent to me. I got into a program and will be starting in May of next year! Yay!

Thanks for sharing these as well as sharing what happens after school in your new job!


I have a bunch that I typed up in MS Word for 3x5 note card format. If anyone is interested shoot me an email and I will send it out as an attachment. I'll search my hard drive tonight, but I know they are on there somewhere. We made up a list of the drugs we foung in the anesthesia drug cart as student's and everyone gathered up the information.

I would love that if you don't mind sending! Thanks!!

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