Fortune Cookie


Well last night hubby and I and our two girls went to dinner at a chinese place and at the end of the meal we open our fortune cookies. I take my NCLEX on wednesday and will be able to know my results by friday. With that being said my fortune read "THIS COMING FRIDAY WILL BE A VERY EXCITING TIME FOR YOU". Now tell me if that doesnt make a girl feel good :yeah:

Ok up until this point I have been not so nervous. Now all of a sudden I feel like im going to vomit and I don't know crap. I have done prolly 2000+ practice questions and I dont know what else to do. I feel like I should do more memorize something but my brain has stopped and is not taking any more requests. I have two days left before the test and I don't know what to do.:banghead:

Specializes in Rehab, Med Surg, Home Care.

Now you trust in yourself, kiddo (and whatever or whoever you draw strength from). Now use the next 2 days for some deep relaxation, positive visualization, relaxing (or energizing) music, prayer, massage, invigorating walks/ exercise or whatever most helps you feel focused and calm.

All the best. Hope you ace it in one, but if you don't, it's just gonna be a little longer path to get to where you're going. DON'T GIVE UP!

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