Published Jun 2, 2013
1 Article; 9 Posts
Anybody considered or graduated from a foreign nursing school?
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Moved to International Nursing as has nothing to do with the TEAS exam.
Once a graduate from a foreign nursing school you will always be considered an internationally educated nurse (IEN) and be required to fulfill the licensing requirements of an IEN for initial and endorsement of license. Which may include additional tests of English language proficiency, evaluation by a credential evaluation service (such as CGFNS) which are additional costs of several hundred dollars, possibly extra scrutiny of your application. You will not be eligible to sit for the NCLEX exam until you meet all criteria established by the board of nursing for internationally educated nurses.
It is always recommended to receive your nursing education in the country where you wish to practice. Nurses educated in England are taught to UK practice standards, nurses educated in Canada are taught to Canadian standards and US schools educate to US standards.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
There are difference is schooling that many international educated nurses find they ahce to repeat courses or partial schooling to be eligible to sit for the US licensure exams....whether or not that are US citizens...their education was not.