For those of you who need Chemistry And Micro


Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

Just some info that found on another board. Clovis college has some really cheap classes. This is their link for LAST years summer section which had micro and chemistry. Don't know what this years summer session will have but thought I would pass the info on and they are regionally accredited.

Specializes in Psych/med surg.

I have to take Chemistry and I am seriously considering this option. I was going to take it at the community college here but Clovis is cheaper and I wouldn't have to drive downtown to go to lab.

Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

I am just passing info on that was in other threads and for people who are paying out of pocket,again this schedule is from LAST summer so don't know what they are offering this summer. Also Edukan chemistry also. I did micro there.

Specializes in Psych/med surg.

I was looking at Edukan also. Do you have to send your transcripts to Edukan?

Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

No you don't but you have to pick a 'home' college which I picked Colby college.

Specializes in lots of specialties.

Man I think I am going to college in the wrong Im still trying to decide but Ill be finishing classes this fall. Clovis does seem to require more than Edukan but I will keep them in mind.

I am just passing info on that was in other threads and for people who are paying out of pocket,again this schedule is from LAST summer so don't know what they are offering this summer. Also Edukan chemistry also. I did micro there.

I'm looking at taking Chemistry this summer in addition to 2 other courses ( Music 1200, and Soc 1000)

For those of you who took Chemistry on line, do you think it is reasonable to take 2 additionalcourses in the summer? They have staggered start dates, but as I map it out, it looks like I would have 3 at the same time for 2 weeks only, and Chem by itself the last 2 weeks.

I think if I don't double or triple up, it's going to take me forever to get done. I've already been at this for a year next month, and have only finished 6 courses. I'm taking 2 15 weekers now and will throw in a 5 weeker the last part of the Spring Semester.

Any advice re Chem is much appreciated!

I got word from my advisor that the Clovis Chem 113 will count toward the Chem credit for OU. It looks like the cost is way cheaper than anywhere else.

Advice anyone?

Specializes in Psych/med surg.

I would go with that one. If I can't get the chemistry that I have already taken to be accepted then I will probably will go with Clovis. It seems like OU accepts most chemistry. I took intro to chemistry and I also took organic chemistry and they didn't accept either one but I have sent an email to my advisor about it. I am hoping they overlooked it. I really don't want to take a 3rd chemistry class if I don't have to.

Specializes in ICU,ER, Radiology, Online education.

msteeleart, I would find out 'why' they did not accept it. they are pretty good about accepting transfer credits. keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

Specializes in Psych/med surg.

Thanks woodsyny. I imagine it may be because they are level 1 classes. If I would have known this then I would have taken the other chemistry class instead of the intro.

Specializes in Psych/med surg.

I wonder if Clovis does virtual or actual lab with labpaq. I would love to take the Oregon State chemistry with virtual lab but it is expensive.

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