Foot pain


Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read my post! I am currently in college and I am thinking about getting a BSN degree. A career in nursing sounds exciting and interesting but I dont know if it is a career for me because of chronic foot pain. I was born with a club foot (only one foot) and I had corrective surgery as an infant. I can run and walk just fine. However, If i am on my feet for long periods of time then it tends to be painful the next day (Im going to the doctor to see if its chronic plantar fasciitis). I have tried inserts in my shoes and those seem to help.

I have done a little bit of research and it seems like 12 hour shifts are very common for nurses. I also read that some people work 8 hour shifts, if so how often? And are you on your feet the whole time?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.


I think you will find it depends on the hospital to whether they have 8 hour or 12 hour shifts. As a general rule you are on your feet most of the time

Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read my post! I am currently in college and I am thinking about getting a BSN degree. A career in nursing sounds exciting and interesting but I dont know if it is a career for me because of chronic foot pain. I was born with a club foot (only one foot) and I had corrective surgery as an infant. I can run and walk just fine. However, If i am on my feet for long periods of time then it tends to be painful the next day (Im going to the doctor to see if its chronic plantar fasciitis). I have tried inserts in my shoes and those seem to help.

I have done a little bit of research and it seems like 12 hour shifts are very common for nurses. I also read that some people work 8 hour shifts, if so how often? And are you on your feet the whole time?

I also was born with club feet (both feet affected). Just recently it hit me that my foot pain could be related to problems I had as a child. I went to see a podiatrist who told me to relieve the plantar fasciitis pain that I would have to get injections at the site. Great, but it's not permanent.

I feel your pain. I work 12 hour shifts and after 30 mins on my feet they're hurting. I've tried every shoe under the sun and none have helped. I currently wear crocs which help with foot pain but definitely do me no good for the plantar fascitis. And yes, I'm on my feet for 12 hours except for 10 minute breaks. I do try to sit down to chart and will prop my feet up (I work nights). I won't lie, the first year of working as a CNA on a busy med surg floor, my feet and legs were killing me. I had to take tylenol PM to go to sleep and slather ben-gay on my legs and apply a heating pad to them.

I go back next month to be fitted with arch support and to discuss the cortisone injections. Hopefully that will help.

Thank you for the replies! It is definately encouraging to hear that you have the same condition as me and that you are still able to do your job. If you dont mind me asking, how often do you work 12 hour shifts? What is your typical schedule and how often do you get a 10 minute break? Do you get a lunch break as well?

By the way, I know Dr. Scholls makes a shoe insert that seems to help my symptoms. I dont know if you have tried these yet but they definately helped me. Here is a link to the product I use.

Hi everyone,

I just passedthe boards last Thurs -- YEAH! :D I'm really worried about my Achlles Tendonitis. It's been flaring for the past few months and I've been resting it (relatively); ice; elevation; stretching exercises that a PT told me to do, etc... I HURT, OK?! I was diagnosed with AT last Feb, had PT in the spring and thought I was home free... then I re-injured it (God knows how/why) and I'm sufferin'. I have an appt to see a poditrist on 7/21, so hopefully he'll have a suggestion for footwear, exercises, etc. I'll be starting a nursing job in AZ on 8/11 and I'm not looking forward to being on my feet for 12 hours. Suggestions anyone?

Specializes in behavioral health.

I have had plantar fascitis in the past. My podiatrist gave me some exercises to do and they helped tremendously. So, I was able to avoid the injections. :wink2::wink2:

I too was born with bilateral tilapes and I am thinking about going back to nursing school. Chronic Foot pain is one of the causes of me leaving the field before. It's inspiring to see that they're other people who have the same problems as I do. Instead of giving in and doing what was "adviseable" you show strength and perseverance and are doing the "Inadvisable" and following your hearts!! Maybe we're hard-headed, or stupid or love pain...or all of the above! I'm soo glad that I'm not alone!

By the way, Invest in MION Shoes they are MIRACULOUS I am able to stand longer in them without so much pain as quickly as other brand shoes!

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