
Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

Hi all! 

I am graduating from FNP school this December and I am starting to look into study materials for the ANCC FNP board exam. Was curious if anyone has any recommendations for review courses or study material? Looking for some advice from people who have taken the exam !


Thanks everyone 🙂 

Got this book by Maria Liek 5th Edition. https://www.springerpub.com/fnp-certification-intensive-review-9780826170668.html

It also offers you online access to examprepconnect that basically goes over the book and gives you practice questions after each section to see how you would do. You also get 4 practice exam in examprepconnect to mimic an exam to give you an idea of how well you should do prior to taking the test. 

I had the book but didn't touch it and just did the online portion. You log when you intend to take the exam and it sets a study plan for you on how much you need to review per day to prepare for the deadline. 

Studied the online portion for about a month maybe 2-3 hours (not daily) and did questions provided. There's also an FNP app that is basically the same thing as the examprepconnect which I downloaded just to get more questions for practice on my freetime.

My scores on practice were averaged to mid to upper 60s. Final exam practice in the upper 50s. 

I luckily passed so I'm not sure if that was a fluke but I thought the ANCC exam had easier questions than the practice exams from the study guide. I also didn't change the answers to any of the 40+ questions I flagged since I have a history of messing myself up that way.

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