FMC - taking pillows out of all units?


I am interested in knowing your opinions in regards to FMC taking pillows out of all unit. The reasons given in numerous facilities is 'infection control'. However, units are telling patients they can bring their own pillow from home....................WOW.. this is certainly an infection waiting to happen. Patients use pillows under their arms when staff are cannulating, use a pillow under their arm for comfort, or behind their back for comfort in the most uncomfortable chairs... Staff in units are stating that torn pillows harbor bacteria............well, HELLO.. if the pillow is torn then get rid of it.

Patients can bring, from home, their pillow. However, this is even a worse nightmare. When staff cannulate patients their PPE (plastic gown) often, if not always, touches the patient's pillow. Then the staff go to the next patient, touching their pillow with their gown, or hands (as we know many staff do not wash between patients). Hence, TRANSFER OF BACTERIA. We do NOT, repeat NOT know what bacteria patients are bringing from home.

Many of us believe this is not a practice, new policy to prevent the spread of infection but a cost-saving policy as a result of the new bundling...saving money on high numbers of disposable pillow cases used.

Patient comfort should come first. This has shocked many patients, as did the foot stools...But it is obvious that patients bringing their own pillows from home can be worse than present policy. If ALL staff were careful not to have their gowns touch the patient's pillow, then this would be a different story. Infection remains the number two cause of death among this vulnerable population and even with the surveys and results of surveys it is apparent that lack of correct infection control practices remains high on the list...

Management did away with our pillows & cases (our pillows were only 1 yr old & in excellent shape). The clinical manager put out a memo to each pt about the pillows being an "infection control issue" and they are to now provide their own pillows from home. We have had several patients ask how bringing stuff from home will improve infection control. The staff were specifically warned not to mention to the patients that the reason was the cost for the disposable pillow cases. So now not only do we work with bare bones staffing but now we have to deal with patients bringing in black garbage bags full of their belongings into the treatment area. I'm not joking about the garbage bags, some bring in two pillows (one for their head & one for their arm), one sometimes two blankets, their snacks, ice, headphones etc. I agree that bringing things from home is just gross (some of our patients hygiene is just not good). FMC is all profit driven, management could care less about patient comfort or safety, their actions toward patients speak volumes.

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