Flouride Programs


Hello Everyone!

What are your thoughts on fluoride programs in the schools? Are any of you doing them?

Before applying for the program i did a little research and found that many townships add fluoride to their water supply. However, many of my kids drink a lot of other things (soda, juice, soda, juice) before they'll touch water!

I will be starting it in September, My school is K-5 charter school.

Thanks in advance for the input!!

Specializes in School Nursing.

We don't have one. I did a quick check and it looks like our department of health does recommend it for our rural districts though. How in the world does it work? How many students do you have?

Dental hygiene in my school is lacking, so I hope this helps some kids. We had about 350 kids last year, but added 5th grade this year. If my memory is correct the health department that is funding the fluoride program said it is only for first grade and above.

Specializes in ER.

Fluoride actually aggressively competes with the receptor sites in the thyroid with iodine. The flouride and chlorine in the water system is contributing to the epidemic of hypothyroidism in the United States.

This isn't pseudoscience. I know when my TSH went up, I was able to get it within the normal range by only drinking filtered water and supplementing iodine in my diet along with Selenium. Brominated flour is also a contributor, because bromide it's also in the same chemical category as iodine and also competes for those receptor sites.

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