Published Aug 8, 2005
390 Posts
hi. Im trying to find the school passing rates in Florida. I was told to go to the FL BON websites and look it upo there. I went there but once im their I dont know where to look. Can anyone help me find this? Thanks
80 Posts
Here ya go:
scroll down until you see NCLEX passing results.
138 Posts
Interesting info....can't believe Fla State's passing rate is that low.
see now why couldnt I find that? that was sooooo easy! Now im scrared. My Nursing Program im about to enter has a low passing rate. Which is weird because I was told it was pretty high. We shall see
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
I agree, those are dreadful pass rates.
49 Articles; 5,349 Posts
Rates across the entire US have dropped precipitously since the NCLEX was made more difficult in 2004. The addition of a few alternative-type questions per test-taker certainly hasn't helped either.
255 Posts
My CC (in Florida) isn't that great either. I think that (along with the waiting list the size of a telephone book) is the main reason they went to a point system as the entrance criteria instead of simply first-come, first-serve. I think they are hoping if they accept students based more on GPA, interview, etc., their rate will improve. Let's hope so.
^^ Sounds like the CC I just graduated from....
10 Posts
Keep in mind we have a lot of people with english as a second language here...I think it is one dimension of the problem....also I'm from the North and I can tell you when I went to MDCC for my prereq's it was much easier than my high school up North. Barry however, is a good school and will demand much of you.