Published Mar 17, 2009
416 Posts
Well this got no love in the career advice section so I'll post it here.
I've always tossed the idea around of being a flight nurse a few years down the road after getting lots of different experiences out there. Anyways, I have absence seizures that are well controlled with medication. I've not had a seizure in almost 2 years since they finally put me on meds that seem to work.
Anyone with experience as a flight nurse or with their program requirements, I'd love to hear what you think about the seizure disorder being a factor that would keep me from getting a job as a flight nurse. I wouldn't even apply to the job for at least another 3 or 4 years, so if I stayed seizure-free with medication for 5 or 6 years at time of application, do you think I'd be able to get the job or would simply having a history of seizures keep me from qualifying for the position?
4,324 Posts
you are probably not going to get the answer to your question here, as this is likely to vary from program to program.
you might get better response by either posting in the flight nursing and surface transport nursing forum or on flight web.
good luck in your future career.