FIU Generic BSN Fall 2020

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi everyone,

I know I’m quite early, but is there anyone who will be applying for FIU generic bsn for fall 2020?

I’ll be graduating from BC with my associates, and I am now preparing for FIU nursing program.

2 minutes ago, GatorBabe2020 said:

Do you guys have a plan B?

Im planning to go to miami dade but im also looking into nova and keiser.

Unfortunately, I don't. Now, I'm thinking of going out of state.

Would anyone like to make a group chat?

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.
1 hour ago, Angela359 said:

Would anyone like to make a group chat?

What you can do is start a new topic in Clubs and you and the other members can communicate. The Clubs are a great way for members to have their own unique area.

Here's the Club link:

Good luck with your Nursing program.

Does anyone know if we're allowed to complete UCC's the Summer before acceptance? Im applying for fall 2021 but won't be done with my AA until Summer 2021

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