Fitzgerald review course

Nursing Students NP Students


Anyone here completed the Fitzgerald live FNP certification review course? Is there anything you wish you would have packed to go with you? Thanks in advance.

I took the course in Boston last month. I wish I'd brought a sweater, because the conference room in the hotel where it was held was freezing! I asked the staff if anything could be done about the temperature, and they told me that it depends on what the speaker wants.

I was able to take all of my notes in the workbook provided, but you might want to bring extra paper.

I was down in Tampa last month for the Fitzgerald review for the CE credits. I used black and red pen for notes and 2 color highlighter. I wished I had brought a note book. Some of the charts in the review book are great to use in my practice and I wished I didn't write on them.

I was also at the Boston review - and it got chilly at times. Sweater is a must.

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