Published May 2, 2008
322 Posts
Hello, im reading previous threads but still im confused, where to start, Im a RN here in the Philippines and wish to know the process how to migrate in NSW.. don't know where to start, will I apply for an assessment in ANMC or in NMB of NSW?
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the International forum as per the red banner asking all immigration questions to be asked in the International forum
or either apply for a student visa then have it processed there after? its really confusing.. pls help...
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Depends on which state that you are wishing to go to, each has different requirements in place. Just like the provinces in Canada and the states in the US. That are all under separae licensing boards.
You cannot just apply for a student visa, same with any other country. You need to be accepted to an approved program first before it will be granted.
There is already much written on this topic, please just do a search for it. No sense in going over everything again here.
Closing thread.