First seizure, feelings of incompetence

Nurses General Nursing


I'm a young lpn 6 months out of school. I work in a fast paced ltc/rehab center with 60 residents to one nurse on 11-7 (my shift). We get a lot of interesting cases and people who require a lot of care.

Last night a little after 4 a cna walked into a room as a pt was seizing, nearly out of his bed. She yelled for me, and as i was running to his room (this is the first seizure I've ever actually seen by the way) I was reviewing in my head "Okay, protect the head, make sure he's safe..." Which is what I did, I told the CNA to call the RN supervisor immediatly. But as I'm in there he was seizing for a few minutes and all i could think was "okay what now, what now?"

As he started coming out of it, he didnt appear to be breathing, which i knew was normal for at least a few seconds post seizure, but as the RN ran in, i meant to give her the information she needed but all I could say was "I...uhh....he...I dont think he's breathing!" I just panicked and felt so incompetent through this whole experience. My Rn says "he needs oxygen" and sends me for a tank, and i'm thinking "Ahh, right oxygen, i'm an idiot."

Bottom line, I know i'll get the experience through things like this. But sometimes I just feel so inadequete as a nurse, I'm on my way back to school soon for my RN.. but i just want to know, does anyone else or has anyone else ever felt this way out of school?? This feeling like yeah I'm a nurse, but sometimes I feel like i dont have a clue...

Specializes in ICU/PACU.

You did everything right. I always ask for help in scary situations. And there are still some days I come home from work and think to myself maybe I should quit nursing and go work at a grocery store or something.

Seizures especially are scary if you have never seen one before.

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