my first practical nursing assignments


can somebody please help me explain or answer these following questions..

1. the rate of water loss from the skin of the hand was measured. Following the measurement the hand was soaked in alcohol for 15 minutes. After all the alcohol was removd from the hand, the rate of water loss was again measured, compared with the rate or water loss before soaking the hand in alcohol, what difference, if any, would you expect in the rate of water loss after soaking the hand in alcohol.

2. It has been several weeks since Goodboy player has competed in a tennis match. After the match he discovers that a blister has formed beneath an old callus on his foot and the callus has fallen off. When he examines the callus he discovers that it appears yellow. Can you explain why?

3. Consider the following statement- Dark skinned children are more susceptible to rickets (insufficient calcium in the bones) than fair skinned children. Defend or refute this statement.

4. Harry fastfeet, a white man, jogs on a cool day. What color would you expect this skin to be (a) after going outside and just before starting to run, (b) during the run, and © 5 minutes after the run?

Please help me explain these questions...

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
1. the rate of water loss from the skin of the hand was measured. Following the measurement the hand was soaked in alcohol for 15 minutes. After all the alcohol was removd from the hand, the rate of water loss was again measured, compared with the rate or water loss before soaking the hand in alcohol, what difference, if any, would you expect in the rate of water loss after soaking the hand in alcohol.

One of the functions of skin is to regulate body temperature which it does through sweating. The evaporation of the sweat cools the body surface. However, the skin must itself also maintain an amount of moisture. Alcohol is a drying agent that cools the skin very rapidly which would result in a slower rate of heat loss from that hand because of the water depletion in the skin of the hand and the skin temperature of the hand now being lower than the body temperature.

2. It has been several weeks since Goodboy player has competed in a tennis match. After the match he discovers that a blister has formed beneath an old callus on his foot and the callus has fallen off. When he examines the callus he discovers that it appears yellow. Can you explain why?

Callus skin is yellow most likely from deposits of carotene and/or xanthophylls within the skin. This, is, I believe, a normal occurrence.

3. Consider the following statement- Dark skinned children are more susceptible to rickets (insufficient calcium in the bones) than fair skinned children. Defend or refute this statement.

Rickets is a Vitamin D deficiency. Sunlight is necessary to the production of vitamin D in the body. Dark skin limits the amount of sunlight entering the skin. Therefore, there will be decreased production of Vitamin D in darker skinned people. Lighter skinned people absorb sunlight much more readily, so rickets is not as prevalent among them. People living in climates where there is very little exposure to sunlight who are confined indoors during daylight hours will also have decreased Vitamin D production. Vitamin D in our systems helps to regulate blood calcium levels. Therefore, with lowered Vitamin D levels the body will rob calcium from bones as a homeostatic mechanism, if I am not mistaken. If the loss is significant-->rickets.

4. Harry fastfeet, a white man, jogs on a cool day. What color would you expect this skin to be (a) after going outside and just before starting to run, (b) during the run, and © 5 minutes after the run?

Not sure about this one, but it is most likely related to cardiovascular effects of cold on the body. The body will shunt blood into it's core organs on cooler days to retain heat. Nearly bloodless, the true color of the skin will show. Outside on a cool day the skin will turn pale due to shunting of the blood to the body core. During activity, the body produces heat so the skin would "pink up" as the body heats up. Five minutes after the run, the body would return to normal and take on it's normal coloring.

These sound very suspiciously like test questions. Please tell me you are not using us to get your homework done or to answer test questions.

Specializes in LDRP.
Please tell me you are not using us to get your homework done or to answer test questions.

Thats my guess.

Thats my guess.

Mine also, the OP has posted 3 times - the gist of all 3 posts being "do my homework for me" :rolleyes:

Specializes in Med/Surge.

Thanks Daytonite................I just learned something new about the rickets, never thought of that in this way so thanks for the info.

As far as the OP, I have no clue.

I am only a student but it seems to me like the questions are being answered for the original poster. I would suggest to her or anyone posting things of this nature to first write down your questions and assumptions(what you think the answer is), then ask for further help from those more experienced. If you are just told the answer it realy won't help you in the long run. Just advice so people won't think you are using them. I have a professor that refuses to gives answers no matter how long you stand in his office for help, he will give slight hints and wait until you get the answer. And it works. I feel so accomplished when I thinkhard and arrive at a correct answer.Just my 2 cents, not trying to be offensive.

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