first pedi code

Specialties Emergency


evening everybody... need to let this out... I went to work today as a student nurse and I saw my first pedi code. adults I have seen many times and I am not bothered afterwards, but when I got in the car today after work I bawled like a baby. Tell me it gets better with time. At work I kept my composure but then all hell broke loose. They ended up taking the baby to another hospital. We did everything that we could and I know that. When you see a code come in and they are elderly you know that they have lived a full life but how do you deal with this when they are only 3mo old. any suggestions? thank you

Specializes in Emergency.

If your hospital is PEDS well then you "will" be involved in Codes of children. I don't know that it gets easier, people/staff learn how to deal with it. It's okay to seek help, pray or just talk we are all different, I'm able to leave the hospital behind when I go home. In one sense Pediactric Codes are hard because you see the life ahead taken away. I worked a Trauma Center for a number of years and Pediactric Codes are hard on everyone. However, you must understand that almost all (healthy) PEDS Codes are respiratory so your chances of a save are pretty slim to start with, that really does not make it easier and the Doctors tend to run everything possible protocol and beyond when a child is involved. This is a good place to vent as many folks here have been there too.

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