Published May 18, 2014
50 Posts
Hello everyone I recently graduated May 14 so i decided to start putting in applications to graduate nurse programs. I was stoked to receive a call for an interview that same week. I was called to interview for multi system med surg floor. Fine with me this will help with my skills so i agreed. Upon arrival I interviewed with HR first then she took me to the floor and I was interviewed by 2 nurse mangers at the same time (I was so nervous LOL). They gave me the basic Why did you get into nursing and tell me a time when questions. Then I was given scenario questions like what would you do if your pt... or what pt will you see first i received like 6 of these . I was like whoa LOL. But all in all I would say i did well But to get the position I must have my NCLEX done by June 25 which isn't too bad!!!
Anyone have any interview experiences yet?
3,677 Posts
Congratulations! I had an interview at a psych hospital recently, and it was more conversational. She did ask about my prior experience, as I do have extensive non-nursing experience in health care. No real scenario questions from that interview. I was offered the position. :)
Wow Congrats Runbabyrun I really feelI will get this position as well. But everything is contingent on me passing boards!!I am going to start studying this week to be prepared to test by mid June!!
Same here- must pass boards (for both jobs I have pending) in order to start working. I'm DYING to get my ATT. I've been studying like a mad woman, but I'm sure I'll never feel totally ready. Good luck!