First lab of the semester


I learned about medication administration today and practiced ID, IM, and subcutaneous injections on dummies. We go to the hospital the evening before clinical to research our assigned patient. I loved today! I need to pass a couple medication exams with a 100 before I admin meds though and be checked off in lab.

What did everyone do on their first lab or clinical this semester?

1st lab was Wednesday(2nd semester). We reviewed IV administration and practiced 4 different scenarios involving piggyback with either pumps or using gravity.

1st "clinical" is tomorrow, we call in Frontloading, where we learn alot of things needed for clinicals in the beginning(front) of the semester. 1st 6 hours we are learning/practicing OB/Newborn skis like leopolds, using a doppler, breast exam, newborn exam, deep tendon reflexes, etc. 2nd half of the day we are reviewing all our skills from last semester (med administration, sterile dressing change, Foley insertions). Next week clinicals is orientation to the unit and patient assignments.

I'm so excited to be doing OB!

Nice! I hope it goes well today!

I'll be in med-surg, and we're told that we'll each get to have time in the OR. Some of my classmates go to other areas like oncology. But it won't be for a month. Right now I'm trying to get through these case studies..and our program has us do Kaplan and Safe Medicate.

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